Examine the Cost of Coach Signature Daisy Flower Applique Wristlet Wallet Bag for iPhone Khaki and Find an Affordable Offer...
Nice Pic of Coach Signature Daisy Flower Applique Wristlet Wallet Bag for iPhone Khaki
Hi there. You might be skeptical in Coach Signature Daisy Flower Applique Wristlet Wallet Bag for iPhone Khaki. Because of this you are scouring the web to gather more details with regards to it. Yup, you now have arrived at just the right place to gather some more information relevant to Coach Signature Daisy Flower Applique Wristlet Wallet Bag for iPhone Khaki. You can also check the prices by clicking on the link shown in this web site to determine if they are very affordable and competitive or not. I recommend you to continue and do a further browse of Coach Signature Daisy Flower Applique Wristlet Wallet Bag for iPhone Khaki.
Hot Features of Coach Signature Daisy Flower Applique Wristlet Wallet Bag for iPhone Khaki
Made of fabric signature. |
Approx. 6" x 4". Approx. 12" strap with 6" drop. Strap comes with dog leash clip to form a wristlet or attach to a larger bag. |
Zip top closure. |
Fabric lining. Gold tone hardware. |
Coach box and dust bag are not included. |