Do They Have A Cheaper Price of Coach Julia Signature Op Art Zippy Wallet Wristlet Clutch 46805 Light Khaki Pink?
Are you presently conducting an information and facts analysis of Coach Julia Signature Op Art Zippy Wallet Wristlet Clutch 46805 Light Khaki Pink? In order to make every sensible purchasing decision particularly when you are planning to buy Coach Julia Signature Op Art Zippy Wallet Wristlet Clutch 46805 Light Khaki Pink, it's absolutely a good idea to do it. If you do not have enough information and just make assessment easily by your feeling, you would possibly make an inaccurate decision. The facts within this website could actually help you to generate a better decision. You may also check out price tags and could find a few other benefits of Coach Julia Signature Op Art Zippy Wallet Wristlet Clutch 46805 Light Khaki Pink.
Photo of Coach Julia Signature Op Art Zippy Wallet Wristlet Clutch 46805 Light Khaki Pink
What Can Be Seen in Coach Julia Signature Op Art Zippy Wallet Wristlet Clutch 46805 Light Khaki Pink
Made of fabric signature. |
Approx. 7 3/4" x 4 1/4". Approx. 12" strap with 6" drop. Strap comes with dogleash clip to form a wristlet or attach to a larger bag. |
Zip top closure. |
Outside back zip coin compartment. Inside 3 full length bill compartments and 6 card slots. |
Fabric lining. Silver tone hardware. |
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